Nov Clip Contest Results
Cream of the Crop
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Andrew Nelles / The Tennessean
Feature 1st Place Cream of the Crop 60 Points
Photographer: Denny Simmons, Courier & Press
Judges Comments:
This is just a really nice intimate moment showing this family. Well done.
Feature 2nd Place 40 Points
Photographer: Mykal McEldowney, The Indianapolis Star
Judges Comments:
Nice tightly shot moment.
Feature 3rd Place 30 Points
Photographer: Jonah Edwin Hinebaugh, Logansport Pharos-Tribune
Judges Comments:
You can definitely feel the emotion in this photo.
General_News 1st Place 50 Points
Photographer: Jeremy Hogan, Freelance
Judges Comments:
Totally bizarre situation, well shot, and tells the story very well.
General_News 2nd Place 40 Points
Photographer: Grace Hollars, The Indianapolis Star
Judges Comments:
Fantastic moment and emotion here. This one stood out.
General_News 3rd Place 30 Points
Photographer: Michael Caterina, South Bend Tribune
Judges Comments:
Great use of angle and reflection.
General_News HM Place 10 Points
Photographer: Mykal McEldowney, The Indianapolis Star
Judges Comments:
Nice storytelling image.
Multiple_Entry 1st Place 50 Points
Photographer: Kelly Lafferty, Kokomo Tribune
Judges Comments:
Some VERY nice images in this edit. Great effort by the photographer to get a variety of situations to fully tell this story. It made for a great profile of Gracie.
Multiple_Entry 2nd Place 40 Points
Photographer: Mykal McEldowney, The Indianapolis Star
Judges Comments:
Really interesting story that was well shot and well edited. Great variety of images to tell the story here without repetition.
Multiple_Entry 3rd Place 30 Points
Photographer: Jeremy Hogan, Freelance
Judges Comments:
Some nice moments in this edit. I think some moments shot tighter would have helped round out the edit and break up some visual repetition.
Sports_Action 1st Place 50 Points
Photographer: Denny Simmons, Courier & Press
Judges Comments:
Very unique moment here. I wish the background was a bit cleaner, but it still screams peak action.
Sports_Action 2nd Place 40 Points
Photographer: Mykal McEldowney, The Indianapolis Star
Judges Comments:
Love the faces in this, tells the story well.
Sports_Action 3rd Place 30 Points
Photographer: Doug McSchooler, Freelance
Judges Comments:
Solid peak action.
Sports_Feature 1st Place 50 Points
Photographer: Joseph Garza, Tribune-Star
Judges Comments:
The photographer definitely got in close for this one, it made the photo, well done.
Sports_Feature 2nd Place 40 Points
Photographer: Kelly Lafferty, Kokomo Tribune
Judges Comments:
Great combo of jubilation and dejection.
Sports_Feature 3rd Place 30 Points
Photographer: Kale Wilk, Freelance
Judges Comments:
Peak emotion here, great moment.