2008 POY Contest Results

The Indiana News Photographers held judging for their 2008 still photo contest in Indianapolis, Feb. 14, 2009.

The Judges were:
Ryan Wood, The Midland (Mich) Daily News, Photo Editor
Steve Liss, Independent Photojournalist, Educator
Melissa Lyttle, St. Petersburg Times, Photographer

Best of Show:
Amanda Lucier / The Herald
“Lurlena cries”


Place: 1st
Amanda Lucier / The Herald

Place: 2nd
Justin Rumbach / The Herald (Jasper, IN)

Place: 3rd
Chris Howell / Bloomington Herald-Times

Amanda Lucier / The Herald

The John Ahlhauser Award

Amanda Lucier / The Herald

Category: Sports_Portfolio
Place: 1st
Chris Howell / Bloomington Herald-Times

Place: 2nd
AJ Mast / Independent Journalist

Place: 3rd
Justin Rumbach / The Herald (Jasper, IN)

Place: HM
Amanda Lucier / The Herald

Category: Election08
Place: 1st
Scott M. Bort / Post-Tribune

Place: 2nd

Place: 3rd
Charlie Nye / The Indianapolis Star

Place: HM
AJ Mast / Independent Journalist

Place: HM
Chris Howell / Bloomington Herald-Times

Place: HM
Charlie Nye / The Indianapolis Star

Place: HM
Denny Simmons / evansville courier & press

Place: HM
Jessica A. Woolf / The Times of Northwest Indiana

Place: HM
Matt Detrich / The Indianapolis Star

Category: Feature
Place: 1st
Amanda Lucier / The Herald

Place: 2nd
Scott M. Bort / Post-Tribune

Place: 3rd
Melanie Maxwell / The Star Press

Place: HM
Justin Rumbach / The Herald (Jasper, IN)

Place: HM
Scott M. Bort / Post-Tribune

Place: HM
Tim Bath / Kokomo Tribune

Category: Feature_Story
Place: 1st
ERIN McCRACKEN / Evansville Courier & Press

Place: 2nd
Justin Rumbach / The Herald (Jasper, IN)

Place: 3rd
Amanda Lucier / The Herald

Place: HM
Justin Rumbach / The Herald (Jasper, IN)

Category: General_News
Place: 1st
Chris Howell / Bloomington Herald-Times

Place: 2nd
Chris Howell / Bloomington Herald-Times

Place: 3rd
Scott M. Bort / Post-Tribune

Place: HM
Darron Cummings / The Associated Press

Place: HM
Matt Detrich / The Indianapolis Star

Category: Illustration
Place: 1st
AJ Mast / Independent Journalist

Place: 2nd
Rob Goebel / Indianapolis Star

Place: 3rd
AJ Mast / Independent Journalist

Category: New_Story
Place: 1st
Charlie Nye / The Indianapolis Star

Place: 2nd
Charlie Nye / The Indianapolis Star

Place: 3rd
Denny Simmons / evansville courier & press

Category: Pictorial
Place: 1st
Krista Schinagl / Dubois County Herald

Place: 2nd
Matt Detrich / The Indianapolis Star

Place: 3rd
Scott M. Bort / Post-Tribune

Place: HM
Jeri Reichanadter / The Indianapolis Star

Place: HM
Rob Goebel / Indianapolis Star

Place: HM
Scott M. Bort / Post-Tribune

Category: Portrait_Personality

Place: 1st
Amanda Lucier / The Herald

Place: 2nd
Amanda Lucier / The Herald

Place: 3rd
Amanda Lucier / The Herald

Place: HM
Andrew Hancock / Freelance

Place: HM
Scott M. Bort / Post-Tribune

Category: Sports_Action
Place: 1st
Chris Howell / Bloomington Herald-Times

Place: 2nd
Andrew Hancock / Journal & Courier

Place: 3rd
Chris Howell / Bloomington Herald-Times

Place: HM
AJ Mast / Independent Journalist

Place: HM
AJ Mast / Independent Journalist

Category: Sports_Feature

Place: 1st
Scott M. Bort / Post-Tribune

Place: 2nd
AJ Mast / Independent Journalist

Place: 3rd
Scott M. Bort / Post-Tribune

Place: HM
Chris Howell / Bloomington Herald-Times

Place: HM
Chris Howell / Bloomington Herald-Times

Place: HM
Chris Howell / Bloomington Herald-Times

Category: Sports_Story
Place: 1st
Matt Detrich / The Indianapolis Star

Place: 2nd
Chris Howell / Bloomington Herald-Times

Place: 3rd
Jessica A. Woolf / The Times of Northwest Indiana

Place: HM
Denny Simmons / evansville courier & press

Category: Spot_News
Place: 1st
Chris Bergin / The Star Press

Place: 2nd
Charlie Nye / The Indianapolis Star

Place: 3rd
Melanie Maxwell / The Star Press

Place: HM
Justin Rumbach / The Herald (Jasper, IN)

Place: HM
Sam Riche / The Indianapolis Star